It’s time to STOP buying homes — start buying businesses! Here’s why


If you’re thinking about purchasing a property, you may be wondering whether to buy a house or a business. There are many reasons why you should buy a business instead of a house. For one, a business is often less expensive than a comparable house. Additionally, a business can offer more tax benefits and may appreciate at a faster rate than a house. Finally, a business gives you the opportunity to be your own boss and control your own hours and income.

This is how you will feel by the end of this article..

“Is a house still a good investment at these current prices?”

In the current market, is a house still a good investment? This is a question on the minds of many would-be homeowners and sellers. The answer, unfortunately, is not a simple one. There are many factors to consider when making this decision.

Housing was a good investment when the market was going up, but not necessarily if it goes down. The housing market is unpredictable, and while it may have been a good investment in the past, there’s no guarantee that it will be in the future.

Investing in housing can be risky, but it can also be rewarding. If the market does go down, those who have invested in housing may see their investment lose value. However, if the market rebounds, they could see their investment increase in value.

Those who are considering investing in housing should do their research and understand the risks involved. It’s important to remember that the market can go up or down, and there’s no way to predict which direction it will take.

The Burden of Home Ownership: Why Renting Makes Sense for Millennials

The burden of home ownership can be a heavy one. From maintenance and repairs to taxes and expenses, owning a home can be expensive. But for many, the burden is worth it. The stability and security that comes with owning your own home is priceless. So for those who can afford it, the burden of home ownership is worth the price.

For most people, buying a home is the largest purchase they will ever make. But for some, it can be a burden that stops them from achieving their dreams.

If you’re someone who loves to travel, you might find that owning a home can be a bit of a hinderance. After all, you can’t just pick up and leave whenever you want if you have a mortgage to pay. And even if you do have the flexibility to travel, you might not want to leave your home unoccupied for long periods of time.

So if you’re thinking about buying a home, just be aware that it may limit your ability to travel as much as you’d like. Of course, there are ways around it — such as renting out your home when you’re gone — but it’s something to keep in mind before making such a big purchase.

Debt is a scary thing. It can be a massive burden and it can make you feel like you’re never going to get ahead. That’s why it’s so important to be careful when you’re taking on debt, and to make sure that you’re not over leveraged.

Real estate is one of those areas where it’s easy to get into trouble if you’re not careful. It’s easy to take on too much debt, and then find yourself in a situation where you can’t make the payments. That’s why I’m always careful when I’m considering real estate investments. I want to make sure that I won’t be putting myself in a position where I could end up being over leveraged.

See ya boomer! More money for me :)

“What Happens When Boomers Retire? The Opportunity of a Lifetime”

As the retirement boom starts, there will be an influx of businesses for sale. This is a great opportunity for entrepreneurs to invest in a profitable and well-run business.

Many baby boomers are now approaching retirement age and are looking to sell their businesses. This presents a unique opportunity for those who are interested in buying a business. With so many businesses on the market, buyers will be able to choose from a wide variety of options.

The retirement boom will create plenty of opportunities for entrepreneurs who are looking to buy a business. With the surplus amount of opportunities available on the market, buyers will be able to find the perfect business to suit their needs and interests.

“It’s Harder to Buy a Home Than a Profitable Business: Here’s Why”

Under today’s standards, financing the purchase of a business is much easier than qualifying for a mortgage. There are many different options for financing a business purchase in some cases with very minimal cash investment, and the requirements for each option are generally less stringent than those for a mortgage.

Would you take financial advice from a dog? Well, you shouldn’t..

When it comes to financing the purchase of an existing business, many entrepreneurs assume that they will only be able to secure a loan for 70% of the total purchase price. However, business loans can actually provide up to 90% financing on the purchase of an existing business. This means that you would only need to come up with 10% of the total purchase price as a down payment.

In order to qualify for this type of loan, you will need to have strong credit and a solid business plan. The lender will also want to see that you have experience running a business and that you have the financial resources to make the monthly loan payments. If you can meet these criteria, then you should be able to secure financing for up to 90% of the purchase price of an existing business.

Want to be Your Own Boss? Start by Purchasing an Existing Business

When you’re ready to purchase an existing business from a retiring owner, there are several key areas you’ll want to focus on in order to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Having good credit will help you secure the necessary financing to buy the business and make any necessary repairs or improvements before you take over operations. There are a few key steps you should take before buying an existing business.

A) You should check your personal & business credit score and be sure it is in good standing. This will give you a better chance of securing financing for the purchase.

B) Next, you should have a clear understanding of the business’s cash flow. This will help you determine if the business is viable and if it can support your desired lifestyle.

C) Finally, you should consult with an attorney to discuss the structure of the corporation, how to delegate shares of ownership to investors as well as the current balance sheet, assets and liabilities. This will help protect your personal assets in case of any legal issues down the road.

The Ultimate Goal: How to Achieve It

The goal is to find boring, cashflow businesses with sweet old owners that are retiring and offer them the perfect cash offer to exit so you can come in and improve the systems to increase annual returns. When reselling the business in the future, a potential buyer may offer you up to 10x yearly revenue (In some very special cases) so as an example, if you increase revenue by just $100,000 a year that’s $1,000,000 added to your net worth.

In conclusion, it is better to buy businesses instead of houses. This is because businesses provide more income than houses, and the income from businesses can be used to buy more businesses, which will provide even more income. This snowball effect can create a lot of wealth over time, whereas houses simply appreciate in value.

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Article by: CEOMODE



CEOMODE: Wisdom from the corner office

Active entrepreneur thriving in the world of business, crypto & entertainment 🔑🎬 Writer for @Bloomberg @BusinessInsider @Forbes