From jokes to investment: how Futurama sparked a belief in Apple Inc.


“Are The Simpsons writers really always right?”

Simpsons writers are always right. In 1993, the Simpsons writers accurately predicted that a stock market crash would happen in 2000. They were also right about the price of oil in 2008. And, in 2012, they correctly predicted that Barack Obama would be re-elected.

Most recently, the Simpsons writers accurately predicted that Donald Trump would become president in 2016. In an episode that aired in 2000, Trump is seen as president of the United States. In another episode that aired in 2015, Trump is shown as president of Springfield Elementary School.

The Simpsons writers are clearly very talented at predicting the future. They have a proven track record of being right about major events. This makes them a valuable resource for anyone looking to make sense of the future.

“I’m not kidding, Futurama made me buy Apple stock.”

Subliminal messaging is a technique that is often used in advertising. It is a way to send a message to the subconscious mind, in order to influence someone’s behaviour. I started watching the TV show Futurama, and noticed that there is a lot of subliminal messaging about the iPhone. It seems that in the future, the iPhone will be the only phone that exists.

Back in 1999, when Futurama first aired, everyone was using Nokia flip phones. How things have changed in just 20 years. In the show, set in the year 3000, everyone has an iPhone; not just any iPhone, but a literal “EYE-PHONE”. In which they line up yearly to receive their newest “Eye-Phone” which is offered for free injected directly into the eye by the government. This might seem like a crazy outlandish possibility, but it’s actually a pretty big deal. It’s a subtle way of telling us that in the future, Apple will be the only phone company left standing.

Reasons to Consider Buying Apple Stock

Apple has been one of the most profitable companies in the world for many years. The company’s stock is public, the price has been steadily increasing, and it shows no signs of slowing down. Apple is hosting its annual shareholders meeting today, and CEO Tim Cook is expected to give a positive outlook for the company’s future.

Analysts expect Apple to continue to grow at a rapid pace, thanks to strong demand for its iPhone and iPad products. The company is also expected to benefit from the recent launch of its new Apple TV product. Investors are eagerly awaiting today’s event, as they hope to get more insight into Apple’s future plans.

In 2023 and beyond, Apple will continue to be a powerful company. It will have a strong presence in the technology industry, and its products will be in high demand. The company will continue to innovate and release new products that consumers will love. Apple will also be a major player in the global economy, and its financial stability will be envied by other companies.


In conclusion, Simpson’s writers have always been right according to history. This means that I should trust them with all my investments and bets. Their track record is impeccable and they have always been able to accurately predict the future. I would be foolish not to listen to their advice.

So from now on I will be dollar cost averaging into apple stock.. Wish me luck!

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Article by: CEOMODE



CEOMODE: Wisdom from the corner office

Active entrepreneur thriving in the world of business, crypto & entertainment 🔑🎬 Writer for @Bloomberg @BusinessInsider @Forbes